D02AGF |
ODEs, boundary value problem, shooting and matching technique, allowing interior matching point, general parameters to be determined |
D02BGF |
ODEs, IVP, Runge--Kutta--Merson method, until a component attains given value (simple driver) |
D02BHF |
ODEs, IVP, Runge--Kutta--Merson method, until function of solution is zero (simple driver) |
D02BJF |
ODEs, IVP, Runge--Kutta method, until function of solution is zero, integration over range with intermediate output (simple driver) |
D02CJF |
ODEs, IVP, Adams method, until function of solution is zero, intermediate output (simple driver) |
D02EJF |
ODEs, stiff IVP, BDF method, until function of solution is zero, intermediate output (simple driver) |
D02GAF |
ODEs, boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, simple nonlinear problem |
D02GBF |
ODEs, boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, general linear problem |
D02HAF |
ODEs, boundary value problem, shooting and matching, boundary values to be determined |
D02HBF |
ODEs, boundary value problem, shooting and matching, general parameters to be determined |
D02JAF |
ODEs, boundary value problem, collocation and least-squares, single nth-order linear equation |
D02JBF |
ODEs, boundary value problem, collocation and least-squares, system of first-order linear equations |
D02KAF |
Second-order Sturm--Liouville problem, regular system, finite range, eigenvalue only |
D02KDF |
Second-order Sturm--Liouville problem, regular/singular system, finite/infinite range, eigenvalue only, user-specified break-points |
D02KEF |
Second-order Sturm--Liouville problem, regular/singular system, finite/infinite range, eigenvalue and eigenfunction, user-specified break-points |
D02LAF |
Second-order ODEs, IVP, Runge--Kutta--Nystrom method |
D02LXF |
Second-order ODEs, IVP, set-up for D02LAF |
D02LYF |
Second-order ODEs, IVP, diagnostics for D02LAF |
D02LZF |
Second-order ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02LAF |
D02MVF |
ODEs, IVP, DASSL method, set-up for D02M--N routines |
D02MZF |
ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02M--N routines, natural interpolant |
D02NBF |
Explicit ODEs, stiff IVP, full Jacobian (comprehensive) |
D02NCF |
Explicit ODEs, stiff IVP, banded Jacobian (comprehensive) |
D02NDF |
Explicit ODEs, stiff IVP, sparse Jacobian (comprehensive) |
D02NGF |
Implicit/algebraic ODEs, stiff IVP, full Jacobian (comprehensive) |
D02NHF |
Implicit/algebraic ODEs, stiff IVP, banded Jacobian (comprehensive) |
D02NJF |
Implicit/algebraic ODEs, stiff IVP, sparse Jacobian (comprehensive) |
D02NMF |
Explicit ODEs, stiff IVP (reverse communication, comprehensive) |
D02NNF |
Implicit/algebraic ODEs, stiff IVP (reverse communication, comprehensive) |
D02NRF |
ODEs, IVP, for use with D02M--N routines, sparse Jacobian, enquiry routine |
D02NSF |
ODEs, IVP, for use with D02M--N routines, full Jacobian, linear algebra set-up |
D02NTF |
ODEs, IVP, for use with D02M--N routines, banded Jacobian, linear algebra set-up |
D02NUF |
ODEs, IVP, for use with D02M--N routines, sparse Jacobian, linear algebra set-up |
D02NVF |
ODEs, IVP, BDF method, set-up for D02M--N routines |
D02NWF |
ODEs, IVP, Blend method, set-up for D02M--N routines |
D02NXF |
ODEs, IVP, sparse Jacobian, linear algebra diagnostics, for use with D02M--N routines |
D02NYF |
ODEs, IVP, integrator diagnostics, for use with D02M--N routines |
D02NZF |
ODEs, IVP, set-up for continuation calls to integrator, for use with D02M--N routines |
D02PCF |
ODEs, IVP, Runge--Kutta method, integration over range with output |
D02PDF |
ODEs, IVP, Runge--Kutta method, integration over one step |
D02PVF |
ODEs, IVP, set-up for D02PCF and D02PDF |
D02PWF |
ODEs, IVP, resets end of range for D02PDF |
D02PXF |
ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02PDF |
D02PYF |
ODEs, IVP, integration diagnostics for D02PCF and D02PDF |
D02PZF |
ODEs, IVP, error assessment diagnostics for D02PCF and D02PDF |
D02QFF |
ODEs, IVP, Adams method with root-finding (forward communication, comprehensive) |
D02QGF |
ODEs, IVP, Adams method with root-finding (reverse communication, comprehensive) |
D02QWF |
ODEs, IVP, set-up for D02QFF and D02QGF |
D02QXF |
ODEs, IVP, diagnostics for D02QFF and D02QGF |
D02QYF |
ODEs, IVP, root-finding diagnostics for D02QFF and D02QGF |
D02QZF |
ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02QFF or D02QGF |
D02RAF |
ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, continuation facility |
D02SAF |
ODEs, boundary value problem, shooting and matching technique, subject to extra algebraic equations, general parameters to be determined |
D02TGF |
nth-order linear ODEs, boundary value problem, collocation and least-squares |
D02TKF |
ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, collocation technique |
D02TVF |
ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, set-up for D02TKF |
D02TXF |
ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, continuation facility for D02TKF |
D02TYF |
ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, interpolation for D02TKF |
D02TZF |
ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, diagnostics for D02TKF |
D02XJF |
ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02M--N routines, natural interpolant |
D02XKF |
ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02M--N routines, C1 interpolant |
D02ZAF |
ODEs, IVP, weighted norm of local error estimate for D02M--N routines |
D03EAF |
Elliptic PDE, Laplace's equation, two-dimensional arbitrary domain |
D03EBF |
Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by SIP, five-point two-dimensional molecule, iterate to convergence |
D03ECF |
Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by SIP for seven-point three-dimensional molecule, iterate to convergence |
D03EDF |
Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by a multigrid technique |
D03EEF |
Discretize a second-order elliptic PDE on a rectangle |
D03FAF |
Elliptic PDE, Helmholtz equation, three-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinates |
D03MAF |
Triangulation of plane region |
D03PCF |
General system of parabolic PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, one space variable |
D03PDF |
General system of parabolic PDEs, method of lines, Chebyshev C0 collocation, one space variable |
D03PEF |
General system of first-order PDEs, method of lines, Keller box discretisation, one space variable |
D03PFF |
General system of convection-diffusion PDEs with source terms in conservative form, method of lines, upwind scheme using numerical flux function based on Riemann solver, one space variable |
D03PHF |
General system of parabolic PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, finite differences, one space variable |
D03PJF |
General system of parabolic PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, Chebyshev C0 collocation, one space variable |
D03PKF |
General system of first-order PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, Keller box discretisation, one space variable |
D03PLF |
General system of convection-diffusion PDEs with source terms in conservative form, coupled DAEs, method of lines, upwind scheme using numerical flux function based on Riemann solver, one space variable |
D03PPF |
General system of parabolic PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, one space variable |
D03PRF |
General system of first-order PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, Keller box discretisation, remeshing, one space variable |
D03PSF |
General system of convection-diffusion PDEs with source terms in conservative form, coupled DAEs, method of lines, upwind scheme using numerical flux function based on Riemann solver, remeshing, one space variable |
D03PUF |
Roe's approximate Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with D03PFF, D03PLF and D03PSF |
D03PVF |
Osher's approximate Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with D03PFF, D03PLF and D03PSF |
D03PWF |
Modified HLL Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with D03PFF, D03PLF and D03PSF |
D03PXF |
Exact Riemann Solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with D03PFF, D03PLF and D03PSF |
D03PYF |
PDEs, spatial interpolation with D03PDF or D03PJF |
D03PZF |
PDEs, spatial interpolation with D03PCF, D03PEF, D03PFF, D03PHF, D03PKF, D03PLF, D03PPF, D03PRF or D03PSF |
D03RAF |
General system of second-order PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, two space variables, rectangular region |
D03RBF |
General system of second-order PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, two space variables, rectilinear region |
D03RYF |
Check initial grid data in D03RBF |
D03RZF |
Extract grid data from D03RBF |
D03UAF |
Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by SIP, five-point two-dimensional molecule, one iteration |
D03UBF |
Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by SIP, seven-point three-dimensional molecule, one iteration |
E04ABF |
Minimum, function of one variable using function values only |
E04BBF |
Minimum, function of one variable, using first derivative |
E04CCF |
Unconstrained minimum, simplex algorithm, function of several variables using function values only (comprehensive) |
E04DGF |
Unconstrained minimum, preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, function of several variables using first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04DJF |
Read optional parameter values for E04DGF from external file |
E04DKF |
Supply optional parameter values to E04DGF |
E04FCF |
Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm using function values only (comprehensive) |
E04FYF |
Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm using function values only (easy-to-use) |
E04GBF |
Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and quasi-Newton algorithm using first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04GDF |
Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm using first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04GYF |
Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and quasi-Newton algorithm, using first derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04GZF |
Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm using first derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04HCF |
Check user's routine for calculating first derivatives of function |
E04HDF |
Check user's routine for calculating second derivatives of function |
E04HEF |
Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm, using second derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04HYF |
Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss--Newton and modified Newton algorithm, using second derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04JYF |
Minimum, function of several variables, quasi-Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using function values only (easy-to-use) |
E04KDF |
Minimum, function of several variables, modified Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04KYF |
Minimum, function of several variables, quasi-Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04KZF |
Minimum, function of several variables, modified Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04LBF |
Minimum, function of several variables, modified Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first and second derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04LYF |
Minimum, function of several variables, modified Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using first and second derivatives (easy-to-use) |
E04MFF |
LP problem (dense) |
E04MGF |
Read optional parameter values for E04MFF from external file |
E04MHF |
Supply optional parameter values to E04MFF |
E04MZF |
Converts MPSX data file defining LP or QP problem to format required by E04NKF |
E04NCF |
Convex QP problem or linearly-constrained linear least-squares problem (dense) |
E04NDF |
Read optional parameter values for E04NCF from external file |
E04NEF |
Supply optional parameter values to E04NCF |
E04NFF |
QP problem (dense) |
E04NGF |
Read optional parameter values for E04NFF from external file |
E04NHF |
Supply optional parameter values to E04NFF |
E04NKF |
LP or QP problem (sparse) |
E04NLF |
Read optional parameter values for E04NKF from external file |
E04NMF |
Supply optional parameter values to E04NKF |
E04UCF |
Minimum, function of several variables, sequential QP method, nonlinear constraints, using function values and optionally first derivatives (forward communication, comprehensive) |
E04UDF |
Read optional parameter values for E04UCF or E04UFF from external file |
E04UEF |
Supply optional parameter values to E04UCF or E04UFF |
E04UFF |
Minimum, function of several variables, sequential QP method, nonlinear constraints, using function values and optionally first derivatives (reverse communication, comprehensive) |
E04UGF |
NLP problem (sparse) |
E04UHF |
Read optional parameter values for E04UGF from external file |
E04UJF |
Supply optional parameter values to E04UGF |
E04UNF |
Minimum of a sum of squares, nonlinear constraints, sequential QP method, using function values and optionally first derivatives (comprehensive) |
E04UQF |
Read optional parameter values for E04UNF from external file |
E04URF |
Supply optional parameter values to E04UNF |
E04XAF |
Estimate (using numerical differentiation) gradient and/or Hessian of a function |
E04YAF |
Check user's routine for calculating Jacobian of first derivatives |
E04YBF |
Check user's routine for calculating Hessian of a sum of squares |
E04YCF |
Covariance matrix for nonlinear least-squares problem (unconstrained) |
E04ZCF |
Check user's routines for calculating first derivatives of function and constraints |
F06AAF |
(SROTG/DROTG) Generate real plane rotation |
F06BAF |
Generate real plane rotation, storing tangent |
F06BCF |
Recover cosine and sine from given real tangent |
F06BEF |
Generate real Jacobi plane rotation |
F06BHF |
Apply real similarity rotation to 2 by 2 symmetric matrix |
F06BLF |
Compute quotient of two real scalars, with overflow flag |
F06BMF |
Compute Euclidean norm from scaled form |
F06BNF |
Compute square root of (a2 + b2), real a and b |
F06BPF |
Compute eigenvalue of 2 by 2 real symmetric matrix |
F06CAF |
Generate complex plane rotation, storing tangent, real cosine |
F06CBF |
Generate complex plane rotation, storing tangent, real sine |
F06CCF |
Recover cosine and sine from given complex tangent, real cosine |
F06CDF |
Recover cosine and sine from given complex tangent, real sine |
F06CHF |
Apply complex similarity rotation to 2 by 2 Hermitian matrix |
F06CLF |
Compute quotient of two complex scalars, with overflow flag |
F06DBF |
Broadcast scalar into integer vector |
F06DFF |
Copy integer vector |
F06EAF |
(SDOT/DDOT) Dot product of two real vectors |
F06ECF |
(SAXPY/DAXPY) Add scalar times real vector to real vector |
F06EDF |
(SSCAL/DSCAL) Multiply real vector by scalar |
F06EFF |
(SCOPY/DCOPY) Copy real vector |
F06EGF |
(SSWAP/DSWAP) Swap two real vectors |
F06EJF |
(SNRM2/DNRM2) Compute Euclidean norm of real vector |
F06EKF |
(SASUM/DASUM) Sum absolute values of real vector elements |
F06EPF |
(SROT/DROT) Apply real plane rotation |
F06ERF |
(SDOTI/DDOTI) Dot product of two real sparse vectors |
F06ETF |
(SAXPYI/DAXPYI) Add scalar times real sparse vector to real sparse vector |
F06EUF |
(SGTHR/DGTHR) Gather real sparse vector |
F06EVF |
(SGTHRZ/DGTHRZ) Gather and set to zero real sparse vector |
F06EWF |
(SSCTR/DSCTR) Scatter real sparse vector |
F06EXF |
(SROTI/DROTI) Apply plane rotation to two real sparse vectors |
F06FAF |
Compute cosine of angle between two real vectors |
F06FBF |
Broadcast scalar into real vector |
F06FCF |
Multiply real vector by diagonal matrix |
F06FDF |
Multiply real vector by scalar, preserving input vector |
F06FGF |
Negate real vector |
F06FJF |
Update Euclidean norm of real vector in scaled form |
F06FKF |
Compute weighted Euclidean norm of real vector |
F06FLF |
Elements of real vector with largest and smallest absolute value |
F06FPF |
Apply real symmetric plane rotation to two vectors |
F06FQF |
Generate sequence of real plane rotations |
F06FRF |
Generate real elementary reflection, NAG style |
F06FSF |
Generate real elementary reflection, LINPACK style |
F06FTF |
Apply real elementary reflection, NAG style |
F06FUF |
Apply real elementary reflection, LINPACK style |
F06GAF |
(CDOTU/ZDOTU) Dot product of two complex vectors, unconjugated |
F06GBF |
(CDOTC/ZDOTC) Dot product of two complex vectors, conjugated |
F06GCF |
(CAXPY/ZAXPY) Add scalar times complex vector to complex vector |
F06GDF |
(CSCAL/ZSCAL) Multiply complex vector by complex scalar |
F06GFF |
(CCOPY/ZCOPY) Copy complex vector |
F06GGF |
(CSWAP/ZSWAP) Swap two complex vectors |
F06GRF |
(CDOTUI/ZDOTUI) Dot product of two complex sparse vector, unconjugated |
F06GSF |
(CDOTCI/ZDOTCI) Dot product of two complex sparse vector, conjugated |
F06GTF |
(CAXPYI/ZAXPYI) Add scalar times complex sparse vector to complex sparse vector |
F06GUF |
(CGTHR/ZGTHR) Gather complex sparse vector |
F06GVF |
(CGTHRZ/ZGTHRZ) Gather and set to zero complex sparse vector |
F06GWF |
(CSCTR/ZSCTR) Scatter complex sparse vector |
F06HBF |
Broadcast scalar into complex vector |
F06HCF |
Multiply complex vector by complex diagonal matrix |
F06HDF |
Multiply complex vector by complex scalar, preserving input vector |
F06HGF |
Negate complex vector |
F06HPF |
Apply complex plane rotation |
F06HQF |
Generate sequence of complex plane rotations |
F06HRF |
Generate complex elementary reflection |
F06HTF |
Apply complex elementary reflection |
F06JDF |
(CSSCAL/ZDSCAL) Multiply complex vector by real scalar |
F06JJF |
(SCNRM2/DZNRM2) Compute Euclidean norm of complex vector |
F06JKF |
(SCASUM/DZASUM) Sum absolute values of complex vector elements |
F06JLF |
(ISAMAX/IDAMAX) Index, real vector element with largest absolute value |
F06JMF |
(ICAMAX/IZAMAX) Index, complex vector element with largest absolute value |
F06KCF |
Multiply complex vector by real diagonal matrix |
F06KDF |
Multiply complex vector by real scalar, preserving input vector |
F06KFF |
Copy real vector to complex vector |
F06KJF |
Update Euclidean norm of complex vector in scaled form |
F06KLF |
Last non-negligible element of real vector |
F06KPF |
Apply real plane rotation to two complex vectors |
F06PAF |
(SGEMV/DGEMV) Matrix-vector product, real rectangular matrix |
F06PBF |
(SGBMV/DGBMV) Matrix-vector product, real rectangular band matrix |
F06PCF |
(SSYMV/DSYMV) Matrix-vector product, real symmetric matrix |
F06PDF |
(SSBMV/DSBMV) Matrix-vector product, real symmetric band matrix |
F06PEF |
(SSPMV/DSPMV) Matrix-vector product, real symmetric packed matrix |
F06PFF |
(STRMV/DTRMV) Matrix-vector product, real triangular matrix |
F06PGF |
(STBMV/DTBMV) Matrix-vector product, real triangular band matrix |
F06PHF |
(STPMV/DTPMV) Matrix-vector product, real triangular packed matrix |
F06PJF |
(STRSV/DTRSV) System of equations, real triangular matrix |
F06PKF |
(STBSV/DTBSV) System of equations, real triangular band matrix |
F06PLF |
(STPSV/DTPSV) System of equations, real triangular packed matrix |
F06PMF |
(SGER/DGER) Rank-1 update, real rectangular matrix |
F06PPF |
(SSYR/DSYR) Rank-1 update, real symmetric matrix |
F06PQF |
(SSPR/DSPR) Rank-1 update, real symmetric packed matrix |
F06PRF |
(SSYR2/DSYR2) Rank-2 update, real symmetric matrix |
F06PSF |
(SSPR2/DSPR2) Rank-2 update, real symmetric packed matrix |
F06QFF |
Matrix copy, real rectangular or trapezoidal matrix |
F06QHF |
Matrix initialisation, real rectangular matrix |
F06QJF |
Permute rows or columns, real rectangular matrix, permutations represented by an integer array |
F06QKF |
Permute rows or columns, real rectangular matrix, permutations represented by a real array |
F06QMF |
Orthogonal similarity transformation of real symmetric matrix as a sequence of plane rotations |
F06QPF |
QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, rank-1 update of real upper triangular matrix |
F06QQF |
QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper triangular matrix augmented by a full row |
F06QRF |
QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper Hessenberg matrix |
F06QSF |
QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper spiked matrix |
F06QTF |
QR factorization of UZ or RQ factorization of ZU, U real upper triangular, Z a sequence of plane rotations |
F06QVF |
Compute upper Hessenberg matrix by sequence of plane rotations, real upper triangular matrix |
F06QWF |
Compute upper spiked matrix by sequence of plane rotations, real upper triangular matrix |
F06QXF |
Apply sequence of plane rotations, real rectangular matrix |
F06RAF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real general matrix |
F06RBF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real band matrix |
F06RCF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real symmetric matrix |
F06RDF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real symmetric matrix, packed storage |
F06REF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real symmetric band matrix |
F06RJF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real trapezoidal/triangular matrix |
F06RKF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real triangular matrix, packed storage |
F06RLF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real triangular band matrix |
F06RMF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real Hessenberg matrix |
F06SAF |
(CGEMV/ZGEMV) Matrix-vector product, complex rectangular matrix |
F06SBF |
(CGBMV/ZGBMV) Matrix-vector product, complex rectangular band matrix |
F06SCF |
(CHEMV/ZHEMV) Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian matrix |
F06SDF |
(CHBMV/ZHBMV) Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian band matrix |
F06SEF |
(CHPMV/ZHPMV) Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian packed matrix |
F06SFF |
(CTRMV/ZTRMV) Matrix-vector product, complex triangular matrix |
F06SGF |
(CTBMV/ZTBMV) Matrix-vector product, complex triangular band matrix |
F06SHF |
(CTPMV/ZTPMV) Matrix-vector product, complex triangular packed matrix |
F06SJF |
(CTRSV/ZTRSV) System of equations, complex triangular matrix |
F06SKF |
(CTBSV/ZTBSV) System of equations, complex triangular band matrix |
F06SLF |
(CTPSV/ZTPSV) System of equations, complex triangular packed matrix |
F06SMF |
(CGERU/ZGERU) Rank-1 update, complex rectangular matrix, unconjugated vector |
F06SNF |
(CGERC/ZGERC) Rank-1 update, complex rectangular matrix, conjugated vector |
F06SPF |
(CHER/ZHER) Rank-1 update, complex Hermitian matrix |
F06SQF |
(CHPR/ZHPR) Rank-1 update, complex Hermitian packed matrix |
F06SRF |
(CHER2/ZHER2) Rank-2 update, complex Hermitian matrix |
F06SSF |
(CHPR2/ZHPR2) Rank-2 update, complex Hermitian packed matrix |
F06TFF |
Matrix copy, complex rectangular or trapezoidal matrix |
F06THF |
Matrix initialisation, complex rectangular matrix |
F06TMF |
Unitary similarity transformation of Hermitian matrix as a sequence of plane rotations |
F06TPF |
QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, rank-1 update of complex upper triangular matrix |
F06TQF |
QRxk factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper triangular matrix augmented by a full row |
F06TRF |
QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper Hessenberg matrix |
F06TSF |
QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper spiked matrix |
F06TTF |
QR factorization of UZ or RQ factorization of ZU, U complex upper triangular, Z a sequence of plane rotations |
F06TVF |
Compute upper Hessenberg matrix by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper triangular matrix |
F06TWF |
Compute upper spiked matrix by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper triangular matrix |
F06TXF |
Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, real cosine and complex sine |
F06TYF |
Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, complex cosine and real sine |
F06UAF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex general matrix |
F06UBF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex band matrix |
F06UCF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hermitian matrix |
F06UDF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hermitian matrix, packed storage |
F06UEF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hermitian band matrix |
F06UFF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex symmetric matrix |
F06UGF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex symmetric matrix, packed storage |
F06UHF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex symmetric band matrix |
F06UJF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex trapezoidal/triangular matrix |
F06UKF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex triangular matrix, packed storage |
F06ULF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex triangular band matrix |
F06UMF |
1-norm, infinity-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hessenberg matrix |
F06VJF |
Permute rows or columns, complex rectangular matrix, permutations represented by an integer array |
F06VKF |
Permute rows or columns, complex rectangular matrix, permutations represented by a real array |
F06VXF |
Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, real cosine and sine |
F06YAF |
(SGEMM/DGEMM) Matrix-matrix product, two real rectangular matrices |
F06YCF |
(SSYMM/DSYMM) Matrix-matrix product, one real symmetric matrix, one real rectangular matrix |
F06YFF |
(STRMM/DTRMM) Matrix-matrix product, one real triangular matrix, one real rectangular matrix |
F06YJF |
(STRSM/DTRSM) Solves system of equations with multiple right-hand sides, real triangular coefficient matrix |
F06YPF |
(SSYRK/DSYRK) Rank-k update of real symmetric matrix |
F06YRF |
(SSYR2K/DSYR2K) Rank-2k update of real symmetric matrix |
F06ZAF |
(CGEMM/ZGEMM) Matrix-matrix product, two complex rectangular matrices |
F06ZCF |
(CHEMM/ZHEMM) Matrix-matrix product, one complex Hermitian matrix, one complex rectangular matrix |
F06ZFF |
(CTRMM/ZTRMM) Matrix-matrix product, one complex triangular matrix, one complex rectangular matrix |
F06ZJF |
(CTRSM/ZTRSM) Solves system of equations with multiple right-hand sides, complex triangular coefficient matrix |
F06ZPF |
(CHERK/ZHERK) Rank-k update of complex Hermitian matrix |
F06ZRF |
(CHER2K/ZHER2K) Rank-2k update of complex Hermitian matrix |
F06ZTF |
(CSYMM/ZSYMM) Matrix-matrix product, one complex symmetric matrix, one complex rectangular matrix |
F06ZUF |
(CSYRK/ZSYRK) Rank-k update of complex symmetric matrix |
F06ZWF |
(CSYR2K/ZHER2K) Rank-2k update of complex symmetric matrix |
F07ADF |
(SGETRF/DGETRF) LU factorization of real m by n matrix |
F07AEF |
(SGETRS/DGETRS) Solution of real system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07ADF |
F07AGF |
(SGECON/DGECON) Estimate condition number of real matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ADF |
F07AHF |
(SGERFS/DGERFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07AJF |
(SGETRI/DGETRI) Inverse of real matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ADF |
F07ARF |
(CGETRF/ZGETRF) LU factorization of complex m by n matrix |
F07ASF |
(CGETRS/ZGETRS) Solution of complex system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07ARF |
F07AUF |
(CGECON/ZGECON) Estimate condition number of complex matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ARF |
F07AVF |
(CGERFS/ZGERFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07AWF |
(CGETRI/ZGETRI) Inverse of complex matrix, matrix already factorized by F07ARF |
F07BDF |
(SGBTRF/DGBTRF) LU factorization of real m by n band matrix |
F07BEF |
(SGBTRS/DGBTRS) Solution of real band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07BDF |
F07BGF |
(SGBCON/DGBCON) Estimate condition number of real band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07BDF |
F07BHF |
(SGBRFS/DGBRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07BRF |
(CGBTRF/ZGBTRF) LU factorization of complex m by n band matrix |
F07BSF |
(CGBTRS/ZGBTRS) Solution of complex band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07BRF |
F07BUF |
(CGBCON/ZGBCON) Estimate condition number of complex band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07BRF |
F07BVF |
(CGBRFS/ZGBRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07FDF |
(SPOTRF/DPOTRF) Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive-definite matrix |
F07FEF |
(SPOTRS/DPOTRS) Solution of real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07FDF |
F07FGF |
(SPOCON/DPOCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FDF |
F07FHF |
(SPORFS/DPORFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07FJF |
(SPOTRI/DPOTRI) Inverse of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FDF |
F07FRF |
(CPOTRF/ZPOTRF) Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix |
F07FSF |
(CPOTRS/ZPOTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07FRF |
F07FUF |
(CPOCON/ZPOCON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FRF |
F07FVF |
(CPORFS/ZPORFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07FWF |
(CPOTRI/ZPOTRI) Inverse of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FRF |
F07GDF |
(SPPTRF/DPPTRF) Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, packed storage |
F07GEF |
(SPPTRS/DPPTRS) Solution of real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage |
F07GGF |
(SPPCON/DPPCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage |
F07GHF |
(SPPRFS/DPPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07GJF |
(SPPTRI/DPPTRI) Inverse of real symmetric positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage |
F07GRF |
(CPPTRF/ZPPTRF) Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, packed storage |
F07GSF |
(CPPTRS/ZPPTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage |
F07GUF |
(CPPCON/ZPPCON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage |
F07GVF |
(CPPRFS/ZPPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07GWF |
(CPPTRI/ZPPTRI) Inverse of complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage |
F07HDF |
(SPBTRF/DPBTRF) Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive-definite band matrix |
F07HEF |
(SPBTRS/DPBTRS) Solution of real symmetric positive-definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07HDF |
F07HGF |
(SPBCON/DPBCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive-definite band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07HDF |
F07HHF |
(SPBRFS/DPBRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive-definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07HRF |
(CPBTRF/ZPBTRF) Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive-definite band matrix |
F07HSF |
(CPBTRS/ZPBTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian positive-definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07HRF |
F07HUF |
(CPBCON/ZPBCON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive-definite band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07HRF |
F07HVF |
(CPBRFS/ZPBRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive-definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07MDF |
(SSYTRF/DSYTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of real symmetric indefinite matrix |
F07MEF |
(SSYTRS/DSYTRS) Solution of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07MDF |
F07MGF |
(SSYCON/DSYCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MDF |
F07MHF |
(SSYRFS/DSYRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07MJF |
(SSYTRI/DSYTRI) Inverse of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MDF |
F07MRF |
(CHETRF/ZHETRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix |
F07MSF |
(CHETRS/ZHETRS) Solution of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07MRF |
F07MUF |
(CHECON/ZHECON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MRF |
F07MVF |
(CHERFS/ZHERFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07MWF |
(CHETRI/ZHETRI) Inverse of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07MRF |
F07NRF |
(CSYTRF/ZSYTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of complex symmetric matrix |
F07NSF |
(CSYTRS/ZSYTRS) Solution of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07NRF |
F07NUF |
(CSYCON/ZSYCON) Estimate condition number of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07NRF |
F07NVF |
(CSYRFS/ZSYRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07NWF |
(CSYTRI/ZSYTRI) Inverse of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07NRF |
F07PDF |
(SSPTRF/DSPTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of real symmetric indefinite matrix, packed storage |
F07PEF |
(SSPTRS/DSPTRS) Solution of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07PDF, packed storage |
F07PGF |
(SSPCON/DSPCON) Estimate condition number of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PDF, packed storage |
F07PHF |
(SSPRFS/DSPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07PJF |
(SSPTRI/DSPTRI) Inverse of real symmetric indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PDF, packed storage |
F07PRF |
(CHPTRF/ZHPTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, packed storage |
F07PSF |
(CHPTRS/ZHPTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07PRF, packed storage |
F07PUF |
(CHPCON/ZHPCON) Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PRF, packed storage |
F07PVF |
(CHPRFS/ZHPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07PWF |
(CHPTRI/ZHPTRI) Inverse of complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07PRF, packed storage |
F07QRF |
(CSPTRF/ZSPTRF) Bunch--Kaufman factorization of complex symmetric matrix, packed storage |
F07QSF |
(CSPTRS/ZSPTRS) Solution of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07QRF, packed storage |
F07QUF |
(CSPCON/ZSPCON) Estimate condition number of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07QRF, packed storage |
F07QVF |
(CSPRFS/ZSPRFS) Refined solution with error bounds of complex symmetric system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07QWF |
(CSPTRI/ZSPTRI) Inverse of complex symmetric matrix, matrix already factorized by F07QRF, packed storage |
F07TEF |
(STRTRS/DTRTRS) Solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07TGF |
(STRCON/DTRCON) Estimate condition number of real triangular matrix |
F07THF |
(STRRFS/DTRRFS) Error bounds for solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07TJF |
(STRTRI/DTRTRI) Inverse of real triangular matrix |
F07TSF |
(CTRTRS/ZTRTRS) Solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07TUF |
(CTRCON/ZTRCON) Estimate condition number of complex triangular matrix |
F07TVF |
(CTRRFS/ZTRRFS) Error bounds for solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07TWF |
(CTRTRI/ZTRTRI) Inverse of complex triangular matrix |
F07UEF |
(STPTRS/DTPTRS) Solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07UGF |
(STPCON/DTPCON) Estimate condition number of real triangular matrix, packed storage |
F07UHF |
(STPRFS/DTPRFS) Error bounds for solution of real triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07UJF |
(STPTRI/DTPTRI) Inverse of real triangular matrix, packed storage |
F07USF |
(CTPTRS/ZTPTRS) Solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07UUF |
(CTPCON/ZTPCON) Estimate condition number of complex triangular matrix, packed storage |
F07UVF |
(CTPRFS/ZTPRFS) Error bounds for solution of complex triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage |
F07UWF |
(CTPTRI/ZTPTRI) Inverse of complex triangular matrix, packed storage |
F07VEF |
(STBTRS/DTBTRS) Solution of real band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07VGF |
(STBCON/DTBCON) Estimate condition number of real band triangular matrix |
F07VHF |
(STBRFS/DTBRFS) Error bounds for solution of real band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07VSF |
(CTBTRS/ZTBTRS) Solution of complex band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F07VUF |
(CTBCON/ZTBCON) Estimate condition number of complex band triangular matrix |
F07VVF |
(CTBRFS/ZTBRFS) Error bounds for solution of complex band triangular system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides |
F08AEF |
(SGEQRF/DGEQRF) QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix |
F08AFF |
(SORGQR/DORGQR) Form all or part of orthogonal Q from QR factorization determined by F08AEF or F08BEF |
F08AGF |
(SORMQR/DORMQR) Apply orthogonal transformation determined by F08AEF or F08BEF |
F08AHF |
(SGELQF/DGELQF) LQ factorization of real general rectangular matrix |
F08AJF |
(SORGLQ/DORGLQ) Form all or part of orthogonal Q from LQ factorization determined by F08AHF |
F08AKF |
(SORMLQ/DORMLQ) Apply orthogonal transformation determined by F08AHF |
F08ASF |
(CGEQRF/ZGEQRF) QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix |
F08ATF |
(CUNGQR/ZUNGQR) Form all or part of unitary Q from QR factorization determined by F08ASF or F08BSF |
F08AUF |
(CUNMQR/ZUNMQR) Apply unitary transformation determined by F08ASF or F08BSF |
F08AVF |
(CGELQF/ZGELQF) LQ factorization of complex general rectangular matrix |
F08AWF |
(CUNGLQ/ZUNGLQ) Form all or part of unitary Q from LQ factorization determined by F08AVF |
F08AXF |
(CUNMLQ/ZUNMLQ) Apply unitary transformation determined by F08AVF |
F08BEF |
(SGEQPF/DGEQPF) QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix with column pivoting |
F08BSF |
(CGEQPF/ZGEQPF) QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix with column pivoting |
F08FCF |
(SSYEVD/DSYEVD) All eigenvalues and optionally all eigenvectors of real symmetric matrix, using divide and conquer |
F08FEF |
(SSYTRD/DSYTRD) Orthogonal reduction of real symmetric matrix to symmetric tridiagonal form |
F08FFF |
(SORGTR/DORGTR) Generate orthogonal transformation matrix from reduction to tridiagonal form determined by F08FEF |
F08FGF |
(SORMTR/DORMTR) Apply orthogonal transformation determined by F08FEF |
F08FQF |
(CHEEVD/ZHEEVD) All eigenvalues and optionally all eigenvectors of complex Hermitian matrix, using divide and conquer |
F08FSF |
(CHETRD/ZHETRD) Unitary reduction of complex Hermitian matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal form |
F08FTF |
(CUNGTR/ZUNGTR) Generate unitary transformation matrix from reduction to tridiagonal form determined by F08FSF |
F08FUF |
(CUNMTR/ZUNMTR) Apply unitary transformation matrix determined by F08FSF |
F08GCF |
(SSPEVD/DSPEVD) All eigenvalues and optionally all eigenvectors of real symmetric matrix, packed storage, using divide and conquer |
F08GEF |
(SSPTRD/DSPTRD) Orthogonal reduction of real symmetric matrix to symmetric tridiagonal form, packed storage |
F08GFF |
(SOPGTR/DOPGTR) Generate orthogonal transformation matrix from reduction to tridiagonal form determined by F08GEF |
F08GGF |
(SOPMTR/DOPMTR) Apply orthogonal transformation determined by F08GEF |
F08GQF |
(CHPEVD/ZHPEVD) All eigenvalues and optionally all eigenvectors of complex Hermitian matrix, packed storage, using divide and conquer |
F08GSF |
(CHPTRD/ZHPTRD) Unitary reduction of complex Hermitian matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal form, packed storage |
F08GTF |
(CUPGTR/ZUPGTR) Generate unitary transformation matrix from reduction to tridiagonal form determined by F08GSF |
F08GUF |
(CUPMTR/ZUPMTR) Apply unitary transformation matrix determined by F08GSF |
F08HCF |
(SSBEVD/DSBEVD) All eigenvalues and optionally all eigenvectors of real symmetric band matrix, using divide and conquer |
F08HEF |
(SSBTRD/DSBTRD) Orthogonal reduction of real symmetric band matrix to symmetric tridiagonal form |
F08HQF |
(CHBEVD/ZHBEVD) All eigenvalues and optionally all eigenvectors of complex Hermitian band matrix, using divide and conquer |
F08HSF |
(CHBTRD/ZHBTRD) Unitary reduction of complex Hermitian band matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal form |
F08JCF |
(SSTEVD/DSTEVD) All eigenvalues and optionally all eigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix, using divide and conquer |
F08JEF |
(SSTEQR/DSTEQR) All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix, reduced from real symmetric matrix using implicit QL or QR |
F08JFF |
(SSTERF/DSTERF) All eigenvalues of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix, root-free variant of QL or QR |
F08JGF |
(SPTEQR/DPTEQR) All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric positive-definite tridiagonal matrix, reduced from real symmetric positive-definite matrix |
F08JJF |
(SSTEBZ/DSTEBZ) Selected eigenvalues of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix by bisection |
F08JKF |
(SSTEIN/DSTEIN) Selected eigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix by inverse iteration, storing eigenvectors in real array |
F08JSF |
(CSTEQR/ZSTEQR) All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix, reduced from complex Hermitian matrix, using implicit QL or QR |
F08JUF |
(CPTEQR/ZPTEQR) All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric positive-definite tridiagonal matrix, reduced from complex Hermitian positive-definite matrix |
F08JXF |
(CSTEIN/ZSTEIN) Selected eigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix by inverse iteration, storing eigenvectors in complex array |
F08KEF |
(SGEBRD/DGEBRD) Orthogonal reduction of real general rectangular matrix to bidiagonal form |
F08KFF |
(SORGBR/DORGBR) Generate orthogonal transformation matrices from reduction to bidiagonal form determined by F08KEF |
F08KGF |
(SORMBR/DORMBR) Apply orthogonal transformations from reduction to bidiagonal form determined by F08KEF |
F08KSF |
(CGEBRD/ZGEBRD) Unitary reduction of complex general rectangular matrix to bidiagonal form |
F08KTF |
(CUNGBR/ZUNGBR) Generate unitary transformation matrices from reduction to bidiagonal form determined by F08KSF |
F08KUF |
(CUNMBR/ZUNMBR) Apply unitary transformations from reduction to bidiagonal form determined by F08KSF |
F08LEF |
(SGBBRD/DGBBRD) Reduction of real rectangular band matrix to upper bidiagonal form |
F08LSF |
(CGBBRD/ZGBBRD) Reduction of complex rectangular band matrix to upper bidiagonal form |
F08MEF |
(SBDSQR/DBDSQR) SVD of real bidiagonal matrix reduced from real general matrix |
F08MSF |
(CBDSQR/ZBDSQR) SVD of real bidiagonal matrix reduced from complex general matrix |
F08NEF |
(SGEHRD/DGEHRD) Orthogonal reduction of real general matrix to upper Hessenberg form |
F08NFF |
(SORGHR/DORGHR) Generate orthogonal transformation matrix from reduction to Hessenberg form determined by F08NEF |
F08NGF |
(SORMHR/DORMHR) Apply orthogonal transformation matrix from reduction to Hessenberg form determined by F08NEF |
F08NHF |
(SGEBAL/DGEBAL) Balance real general matrix |
F08NJF |
(SGEBAK/DGEBAK) Transform eigenvectors of real balanced matrix to those of original matrix supplied to F08NHF |
F08NSF |
(CGEHRD/ZGEHRD) Unitary reduction of complex general matrix to upper Hessenberg form |
F08NTF |
(CUNGHR/ZUNGHR) Generate unitary transformation matrix from reduction to Hessenberg form determined by F08NSF |
F08NUF |
(CUNMHR/ZUNMHR) Apply unitary transformation matrix from reduction to Hessenberg form determined by F08NSF |
F08NVF |
(CGEBAL/ZGEBAL) Balance complex general matrix |
F08NWF |
(CGEBAK/ZGEBAK) Transform eigenvectors of complex balanced matrix to those of original matrix supplied to F08NVF |
F08PEF |
(SHSEQR/DHSEQR) Eigenvalues and Schur factorization of real upper Hessenberg matrix reduced from real general matrix |
F08PKF |
(SHSEIN/DHSEIN) Selected right and/or left eigenvectors of real upper Hessenberg matrix by inverse iteration |
F08PSF |
(CHSEQR/ZHSEQR) Eigenvalues and Schur factorization of complex upper Hessenberg matrix reduced from complex general matrix |
F08PXF |
(CHSEIN/ZHSEIN) Selected right and/or left eigenvectors of complex upper Hessenberg matrix by inverse iteration |
F08QFF |
(STREXC/DTREXC) Reorder Schur factorization of real matrix using orthogonal similarity transformation |
F08QGF |
(STRSEN/DTRSEN) Reorder Schur factorization of real matrix, form orthonormal basis of right invariant subspace for selected eigenvalues, with estimates of sensitivities |
F08QHF |
(STRSYL/DTRSYL) Solve real Sylvester matrix equation AX + XB = C, A and B are upper quasi-triangular or transposes |
F08QKF |
(STREVC/DTREVC) Left and right eigenvectors of real upper quasi-triangular matrix |
F08QLF |
(STRSNA/DTRSNA) Estimates of sensitivities of selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real upper quasi-triangular matrix |
F08QTF |
(CTREXC/ZTREXC) Reorder Schur factorization of complex matrix using unitary similarity transformation |
F08QUF |
(CTRSEN/ZTRSEN) Reorder Schur factorization of complex matrix, form orthonormal basis of right invariant subspace for selected eigenvalues, with estimates of sensitivities |
F08QVF |
(CTRSYL/ZTRSYL) Solve complex Sylvester matrix equation AX + XB = C, A and B are upper triangular or conjugate-transposes |
F08QXF |
(CTREVC/ZTREVC) Left and right eigenvectors of complex upper triangular matrix |
F08QYF |
(CTRSNA/ZTRSNA) Estimates of sensitivities of selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex upper triangular matrix |
F08SEF |
(SSYGST/DSYGST) Reduction to standard form of real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem Ax = lamda Bx, ABx = lamda x or BAx = lamda x, B factorized by F07FDF |
F08SSF |
(CHEGST/ZHEGST) Reduction to standard form of complex Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem Ax = lamda Bx, ABx = lamda x or BAx = lambda x, B factorized by F07FRF |
F08TEF |
(SSPGST/DSPGST) Reduction to standard form of real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem Ax = lamda Bx, ABx = lamda x or BAx = lamda x, packed storage, B factorized by F07GDF |
F08TSF |
(CHPGST/ZHPGST) Reduction to standard form of complex Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem Ax = lamda Bx, ABx = lamda x or BAx = lamda x, packed storage, B factorized by F07GRF |
F08UEF |
(SSBGST/DSBGST) Reduction of real symmetric-definite banded generalized eigenproblem Ax = lamda Bx to standard form Cy = lamda y, such that C has the same bandwidth as A |
F08UFF |
(SPBSTF/DPBSTF) Computes a split Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive-definite band matrix A |
F08USF |
(CHBGST/ZHBGST) Reduction of complex Hermitian-definite banded generalized eigenproblem Ax = lamda Bx to standard form Cy = lamda y, such that C has the same bandwidth as A |
F08UTF |
(CPBSTF/ZPBSTF) Computes a split Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive-definite band matrix A |
F11BAF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, set-up for F11BBF |
F11BBF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, preconditioned RGMRES, CGS or Bi-CGSTAB |
F11BCF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, diagnostic for F11BBF |
F11BDF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, set-up for F11BEF |
F11BEF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, preconditioned RGMRES, CGS, Bi-CGSTAB or TFQMR method |
F11BFF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, diagnostic for F11BEF |
F11BRF |
Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear systems, set-up for F11BSF |
F11BSF |
Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear systems, preconditioned RGMRES, CGS, Bi-CGSTAB or TFQMR method |
F11BTF |
Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear systems, diagnostic for F11BSF |
F11DAF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, incomplete LU factorization |
F11DBF |
Solution of linear system involving incomplete LU preconditioning matrix generated by F11DAF |
F11DCF |
Solution of real sparse nonsymmetric linear system, RGMRES, CGS or Bi-CGSTAB method, preconditioner computed by F11DAF (Black Box) |
F11DDF |
Solution of linear system involving preconditioning matrix generated by applying SSOR to real sparse nonsymmetric matrix |
F11DEF |
Solution of real sparse nonsymmetric linear system, RGMRES, CGS or Bi-CGSTAB method, Jacobi or SSOR preconditioner (Black Box) |
F11DKF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric linear systems, line Jacobi preconditioner |
F11DNF |
Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear systems, incomplete LU factorization |
F11DPF |
Solution of complex linear system involving incomplete LU preconditioning matrix generated by F11DNF |
F11DQF |
Solution of complex sparse non-Hermitian linear system, RGMRES, CGS, Bi-CGSTAB or TFQMR method, preconditioner computed by F11DNF (Black Box) |
F11DRF |
Solution of linear system involving preconditioning matrix generated by applying SSOR to complex sparse non-Hermitian matrix |
F11DSF |
Solution of complex sparse non-Hermitian linear system, RGMRES, CGS, Bi-CGSTAB or TFQMR method, Jacobi or SSOR preconditioner (Black Box) |
F11GAF |
Real sparse symmetric linear systems, set-up for F11GBF |
F11GBF |
Real sparse symmetric linear systems, preconditioned conjugate gradient or Lanczos |
F11GCF |
Real sparse symmetric linear systems, diagnostic for F11GBF |
F11GDF |
Real sparse symmetric linear systems, set-up for F11GEF |
F11GEF |
Real sparse symmetric linear systems, preconditioned conjugate gradient or Lanczos, threadsafe |
F11GFF |
Real sparse symmetric linear systems, diagnostic for F11GEF |
F11JAF |
Real sparse symmetric matrix, incomplete Cholesky factorization |
F11JBF |
Solution of linear system involving incomplete Cholesky preconditioning matrix generated by F11JAF |
F11JCF |
Solution of real sparse symmetric linear system, conjugate gradient/Lanczos method, preconditioner computed by F11JAF (Black Box) |
F11JDF |
Solution of linear system involving preconditioning matrix generated by applying SSOR to real sparse symmetric matrix |
F11JEF |
Solution of real sparse symmetric linear system, conjugate gradient/Lanczos method, Jacobi or SSOR preconditioner (Black Box) |
F11JNF |
Complex sparse Hermitian matrix, incomplete Cholesky factorization |
F11JPF |
Solution of complex linear system involving incomplete Cholesky preconditioning matrix generated by F11JNF |
F11JQF |
Solution of complex sparse Hermitian linear system, conjugate gradient/Lanczos method, preconditioner computed by F11JNF (Black Box) |
F11JRF |
Solution of linear system involving preconditioning matrix generated by applying SSOR to complex sparse Hermitian matrix |
F11JSF |
Solution of complex sparse Hermitian linear system, conjugate gradient/Lanczos method, Jacobi or SSOR preconditioner (Black Box) |
F11XAF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric matrix vector multiply |
F11XEF |
Real sparse symmetric matrix vector multiply |
F11XNF |
Complex sparse non-Hermitian matrix vector multiply |
F11XSF |
Complex sparse Hermitian matrix vector multiply |
F11ZAF |
Real sparse nonsymmetric matrix reorder routine |
F11ZBF |
Real sparse symmetric matrix reorder routine |
F11ZNF |
Complex sparse non-Hermitian matrix reorder routine |
F11ZPF |
Complex sparse Hermitian matrix reorder routine |
G01AAF |
Mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, etc, one variable, from raw data |
G01ABF |
Mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, etc, two variables, from raw data |
G01ADF |
Mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, etc, one variable, from frequency table |
G01AEF |
Frequency table from raw data |
G01AFF |
Two-way contingency table analysis, with chi-square/Fisher's exact test |
G01AGF |
Lineprinter scatterplot of two variables |
G01AHF |
Lineprinter scatterplot of one variable against Normal scores |
G01AJF |
Lineprinter histogram of one variable |
G01ALF |
Computes a five-point summary (median, hinges and extremes) |
G01ARF |
Constructs a stem and leaf plot |
G01ASF |
Constructs a box and whisker plot |
G01BJF |
Binomial distribution function |
G01BKF |
Poisson distribution function |
G01BLF |
Hypergeometric distribution function |
G01DAF |
Normal scores, accurate values |
G01DBF |
Normal scores, approximate values |
G01DCF |
Normal scores, approximate variance-covariance matrix |
G01DDF |
Shapiro and Wilk's W test for Normality |
G01DHF |
Ranks, Normal scores, approximate Normal scores or exponential (Savage) scores |
G01EAF |
Computes probabilities for the standard Normal distribution |
G01EBF |
Computes probabilities for Student's t-distribution |
G01ECF |
Computes probabilities for chi-square distribution |
G01EDF |
Computes probabilities for F-distribution |
G01EEF |
Computes upper and lower tail probabilities and probability density function for the beta distribution |
G01EFF |
Computes probabilities for the gamma distribution |
G01EMF |
Computes probability for the Studentized range statistic |
G01EPF |
Computes bounds for the significance of a Durbin--Watson statistic |
G01ERF |
Computes probability for von Mises distribution |
G01EYF |
Computes probabilities for the one-sample Kolmogorov--Smirnov distribution |
G01EZF |
Computes probabilities for the two-sample Kolmogorov--Smirnov distribution |
G01FAF |
Computes deviates for the standard Normal distribution |
G01FBF |
Computes deviates for Student's t-distribution |
G01FCF |
Computes deviates for the chi-square distribution |
G01FDF |
Computes deviates for the F-distribution |
G01FEF |
Computes deviates for the beta distribution |
G01FFF |
Computes deviates for the gamma distribution |
G01FMF |
Computes deviates for the Studentized range statistic |
G01GBF |
Computes probabilities for the non-central Student's t-distribution |
G01GCF |
Computes probabilities for the non-central chi-square distribution |
G01GDF |
Computes probabilities for the non-central F-distribution |
G01GEF |
Computes probabilities for the non-central beta distribution |
G01HAF |
Computes probability for the bivariate Normal distribution |
G01HBF |
Computes probabilities for the multivariate Normal distribution |
G01JCF |
Computes probability for a positive linear combination of chi-square variables |
G01JDF |
Computes lower tail probability for a linear combination of (central) chi-square variables |
G01MBF |
Computes reciprocal of Mills' Ratio |
G01NAF |
Cumulants and moments of quadratic forms in Normal variables |
G01NBF |
Moments of ratios of quadratic forms in Normal variables, and related statistics |
G02BAF |
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, all variables, no missing values |
G02BBF |
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, all variables, casewise treatment of missing values |
G02BCF |
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, all variables, pairwise treatment of missing values |
G02BDF |
Correlation-like coefficients (about zero), all variables, no missing values |
G02BEF |
Correlation-like coefficients (about zero), all variables, casewise treatment of missing values |
G02BFF |
Correlation-like coefficients (about zero), all variables, pairwise treatment of missing values |
G02BGF |
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, subset of variables, no missing values |
G02BHF |
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, subset of variables, casewise treatment of missing values |
G02BJF |
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, subset of variables, pairwise treatment of missing values |
G02BKF |
Correlation-like coefficients (about zero), subset of variables, no missing values |
G02BLF |
Correlation-like coefficients (about zero), subset of variables, casewise treatment of missing values |
G02BMF |
Correlation-like coefficients (about zero), subset of variables, pairwise treatment of missing values |
G02BNF |
Kendall/Spearman non-parametric rank correlation coefficients, no missing values, overwriting input data |
G02BPF |
Kendall/Spearman non-parametric rank correlation coefficients, casewise treatment of missing values, overwriting input data |
G02BQF |
Kendall/Spearman non-parametric rank correlation coefficients, no missing values, preserving input data |
G02BRF |
Kendall/Spearman non-parametric rank correlation coefficients, casewise treatment of missing values, preserving input data |
G02BSF |
Kendall/Spearman non-parametric rank correlation coefficients, pairwise treatment of missing values |
G02BTF |
Update a weighted sum of squares matrix with a new observation |
G02BUF |
Computes a weighted sum of squares matrix |
G02BWF |
Computes a correlation matrix from a sum of squares matrix |
G02BXF |
Computes (optionally weighted) correlation and covariance matrices |
G02BYF |
Computes partial correlation/variance-covariance matrix from correlation/variance-covariance matrix computed by G02BXF |
G02CAF |
Simple linear regression with constant term, no missing values |
G02CBF |
Simple linear regression without constant term, no missing values |
G02CCF |
Simple linear regression with constant term, missing values |
G02CDF |
Simple linear regression without constant term, missing values |
G02CEF |
Service routines for multiple linear regression, select elements from vectors and matrices |
G02CFF |
Service routines for multiple linear regression, re-order elements of vectors and matrices |
G02CGF |
Multiple linear regression, from correlation coefficients, with constant term |
G02CHF |
Multiple linear regression, from correlation-like coefficients, without constant term |
G02DAF |
Fits a general (multiple) linear regression model |
G02DCF |
Add/delete an observation to/from a general linear regression model |
G02DDF |
Estimates of linear parameters and general linear regression model from updated model |
G02DEF |
Add a new variable to a general linear regression model |
G02DFF |
Delete a variable from a general linear regression model |
G02DGF |
Fits a general linear regression model for new dependent variable |
G02DKF |
Estimates and standard errors of parameters of a general linear regression model for given constraints |
G02DNF |
Computes estimable function of a general linear regression model and its standard error |
G02EAF |
Computes residual sums of squares for all possible linear regressions for a set of independent variables |
G02ECF |
Calculates R2 and CP values from residual sums of squares |
G02EEF |
Fits a linear regression model by forward selection |
G02FAF |
Calculates standardized residuals and influence statistics |
G02FCF |
Computes Durbin--Watson test statistic |
G02GAF |
Fits a generalized linear model with Normal errors |
G02GBF |
Fits a generalized linear model with binomial errors |
G02GCF |
Fits a generalized linear model with Poisson errors |
G02GDF |
Fits a generalized linear model with gamma errors |
G02GKF |
Estimates and standard errors of parameters of a general linear model for given constraints |
G02GNF |
Computes estimable function of a generalized linear model and its standard error |
G02HAF |
Robust regression, standard M-estimates |
G02HBF |
Robust regression, compute weights for use with G02HDF |
G02HDF |
Robust regression, compute regression with user-supplied functions and weights |
G02HFF |
Robust regression, variance-covariance matrix following G02HDF |
G02HKF |
Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, Huber's weight function |
G02HLF |
Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, user-supplied weight function plus derivatives |
G02HMF |
Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, user-supplied weight function |
G13AAF |
Univariate time series, seasonal and non-seasonal differencing |
G13ABF |
Univariate time series, sample autocorrelation function |
G13ACF |
Univariate time series, partial autocorrelations from autocorrelations |
G13ADF |
Univariate time series, preliminary estimation, seasonal ARIMA model |
G13AEF |
Univariate time series, estimation, seasonal ARIMA model (comprehensive) |
G13AFF |
Univariate time series, estimation, seasonal ARIMA model (easy-to-use) |
G13AGF |
Univariate time series, update state set for forecasting |
G13AHF |
Univariate time series, forecasting from state set |
G13AJF |
Univariate time series, state set and forecasts, from fully specified seasonal ARIMA model |
G13ASF |
Univariate time series, diagnostic checking of residuals, following G13AEF or G13AFF |
G13AUF |
Computes quantities needed for range-mean or standard deviation-mean plot |
G13BAF |
Multivariate time series, filtering (pre-whitening) by an ARIMA model |
G13BBF |
Multivariate time series, filtering by a transfer function model |
G13BCF |
Multivariate time series, cross-correlations |
G13BDF |
Multivariate time series, preliminary estimation of transfer function model |
G13BEF |
Multivariate time series, estimation of multi-input model |
G13BGF |
Multivariate time series, update state set for forecasting from multi-input model |
G13BHF |
Multivariate time series, forecasting from state set of multi-input model |
G13BJF |
Multivariate time series, state set and forecasts from fully specified multi-input model |
G13CAF |
Univariate time series, smoothed sample spectrum using rectangular, Bartlett, Tukey or Parzen lag window |
G13CBF |
Univariate time series, smoothed sample spectrum using spectral smoothing by the trapezium frequency (Daniell) window |
G13CCF |
Multivariate time series, smoothed sample cross spectrum using rectangular, Bartlett, Tukey or Parzen lag window |
G13CDF |
Multivariate time series, smoothed sample cross spectrum using spectral smoothing by the trapezium frequency (Daniell) window |
G13CEF |
Multivariate time series, cross amplitude spectrum, squared coherency, bounds, univariate and bivariate (cross) spectra |
G13CFF |
Multivariate time series, gain, phase, bounds, univariate and bivariate (cross) spectra |
G13CGF |
Multivariate time series, noise spectrum, bounds, impulse response function and its standard error |
G13DBF |
Multivariate time series, multiple squared partial autocorrelations |
G13DCF |
Multivariate time series, estimation of VARMA model |
G13DJF |
Multivariate time series, forecasts and their standard errors |
G13DKF |
Multivariate time series, updates forecasts and their standard errors |
G13DLF |
Multivariate time series, differences and/or transforms (for use before G13DCF) |
G13DMF |
Multivariate time series, sample cross-correlation or cross-covariance matrices |
G13DNF |
Multivariate time series, sample partial lag correlation matrices, chi-square statistics and significance levels |
G13DPF |
Multivariate time series, partial autoregression matrices |
G13DSF |
Multivariate time series, diagnostic checking of residuals, following G13DCF |
G13DXF |
Calculates the zeros of a vector autoregressive (or moving average) operator |
G13EAF |
Combined measurement and time update, one iteration of Kalman filter, time-varying, square root covariance filter |
G13EBF |
Combined measurement and time update, one iteration of Kalman filter, time-invariant, square root covariance filter |